Eskay's Journal. Views of Australia from her vantage spot in Alice Springs. A diary, photos, comments and links on current affairs and anything else that flies off my fingertips as I type. Welcome!

Friday, July 28, 2006

GERD - another recipe

Alice Springs, Central Australia, late July. And the weather’s turned almost warm. Winter may be coming to an end. We have a warm breeze blowing and generally kicking up leaves and dust. And I’ve been able to remove the big, fluffy polar fleece sweater.

The home-made pumpkin soup cooking on the stove has been taste tested and is going to be delicious! And all cooked from scratch. It’s another GERD friendly recipe and shouldn’t upset anyone’s indigestion.

Pumpkin Soup with potato, carrot & sweet potato
½ butternut pumpkin (squash) – peeled and diced into chunks
1 potato – leave the skin on, chop into chunks
2 carrots – why bother peeling these, just chop into small chunks
1 medium sweet potato (gold flesh) – peeled & diced into chunks
1 onion – diced
Garlic clove – finely chopped or squashed, or use minced garlic from a jar
Salt & pepper to taste
Basil and parsley, fresh or dried, again to taste
1 tspn minced chilli (or 1 small chilli) (OMIT this if your heartburn is bad)
Cumin & Sweet paprika
1 litre of vegetable or chicken stock.

Saute onion and garlic till soft. Throw in cumin, paprika and chilli and sauté for further few minutes. Toss in all other vegetables, turn heat up high and fry for about 5 minutes. Add stock. The liquid should just cover the vegetables. Add salt, pepper and herbs to taste. Bring to boil. Turn heat down and simmer for about 20 minutes or until all vegetables are tender.

Let soup cool. Then puree using your blender. Serve with crusty Italian bread.
Bon appetit!


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